Wei Chen
Wei Chen



Wei Chen 

Professor, postgraduate tutor, visiting scholar at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, visiting researcher at the State Key Laboratory of Metamaterials Electromagnetic Modulation Technology, technical committee member of the International Underwater Robot Alliance, technical committee member of the China Robotics Competition. In recent years, he has been engaged in intelligent robot education and teaching, scientific research and innovation guidance. 

The research direction is intelligent robot control technology, image acquisition and processing, multi-sensor information fusion, etc. In recent years, he has won one second prize for scientific and technological progress in Jiangsu Province, three national scientific and technological progress awards from industry associations, presided over and participated in the completion of 6 scientific research projects, published 4 textbooks, and published more than 20 academic papers independently or as the first author ( SCI/EI retrieval and many Chinese core articles), instructed students to win more than 30 first prizes in the China Robotics Competition and the National University Student Electronic Design Competition. 

Title: A brief introduction of bionic underwater robot system