Gongli Li
Gongli Li



Gongli Li 

Gongli Li is currently a senior consultant of Cloud BU of Huawei Technology Co., Ltd., mainly engaged in research on smart city. He once served as director of Smart City Research Institute of Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng planning and Design Institute,Expert of National Smart City Standardization General Group,Member of SAC / TC28 / SC40,Member of SAC / TC426,Registered expert of IEC SYC Smart city,Registered expert of IEC / ISO JTC1 WG11. Presided over dozens of planning and design consulting work related to smart city, participated in the construction of a number of National Smart City related standards, published more than 20 papers in core journals, presided over or participated in a number of provincial and ministerial scientific research topics such as the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology. 

Title: Intelligent Twins Help Build Smart City