Dongfang Yang
Dongfang Yang



Dongfang Yang  

Mainly engaged in the teaching of mathematics, English, Japanese, French, Russian, Mainly engaged in the teaching of mathematics, English, Japanese, French, Russian, German, economics, ecology, environmental science, biology and other disciplines, as well as ecology, environmental science, ecological economics, environmental economics, biogeochemistry, and population health Research. He has been engaged in the teaching and training of undergraduates and graduate students for many years, and 23 of the master's graduate students under his supervision have graduated successfully. He had published 476 papers as the first author, published 78 monographs and edited by the first author, authorized 29 patents for the first author; 51 papers with other rankings by the author. On March 2, 2019, China CNKI data found 58 papers by the first author, with a total number of citations: 1,078. 

He was Hired as a professor-level senior engineer by the Monitoring Center of the Beihai 

Branch of the State Oceanic Administration in 2001 

In 2008, he was hired as a professor by Zhejiang Ocean University; in 2011, he established the Institute of Biogeochemistry, Zhejiang Ocean University, and served as the director; 

In August 2013, he was hired as a professor and subject leader by Guizhou University for Nationalities. 

In August 2016, he was hired as a professor by Xijing College. 

Title: Principles and trends of climate change