Wanyang Dai
Wanyang Dai



Wanyang Dai 

Professor (Doctoral advisor / important discipline post) of the Department of mathematics of Nanjing University, chief scientist of dipus Institute of digital economy, chairman and CEO of the American quantum computing blockchain industrial revolution Forum (SIR Forum), invited expert of Jiangsu financial science and technology research center, chairman of Jiangsu probability and statistics society Director of Jiangsu Special Committee on big data blockchain and intelligent information, vice president of several national probability and statistics operation research management and industrial and applied mathematics societies, judge of mathematics discipline committee of National Natural Science Award Committee (leader of random analysis group), and review expert of major / key projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China (including outstanding youth / outstanding youth); He has served as president of international conferences for many times; He once served as a permanent scientist and researcher of at & T (now called Nokia) Bell Labs, chief scientist and researcher of major / key projects, assisted in technology management, and won the award of Mathematics School of Georgia Institute of technology in the United States (jointly developed with the school of industrial engineering and Systems Engineering) Doctorate (1992-1996). 

Title: Programmable quantum computer and blockchained federated learning with applications in 6G/6G+ and future Internet