Haibao Huang
Haibao Huang



Haibao Huang 

Professor of Sun Yat-sen University, leader of the discipline of Atmospheric Environment and Pollution Control, Director of Guangdong-Hong Kong Air Pollution Control Research Center, Director of Guangdong Indoor Air Pollution Control Engineering Technology Research Center, selected for the "Guangdong Special Support Program. He was selected as one of the "Guangdong Special Support Program" scientific and technological innovation talents. He is mainly engaged in teaching and research work on urban air pollution control, industrial organic waste gas control, indoor air pollution purification and environmental catalytic materials, and has made important original research results. He has published more than 70 SCI papers (including more than 30 CAS Zone 1 papers and 6 highly cited papers) in international journals such as Appl. Catal. B: Environ. as first (or corresponding) author,

which have been cited more than 3000 times; he has applied for more than 30 national patents. He is the chief scientist of the National Key Research and Development Program, and has hosted more than 20 projects under the International (Regional) Cooperation Fund (NSFC-RGC), the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Guangdong-Government Joint Fund, and the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Program. He is a member of the expert committee of National Air Purification Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, a standing committee member of the VOCs Pollution Prevention Committee of the Chinese Society of Environmental Science and a director of the Indoor Environment and Health Branch, a technical expert of the Exhaust Gas Purification Committee of the China Environmental Protection Industry Association and a member of the VOCs Pollution Prevention Committee of the China Environmental Protection Federation. The first prize of Guangdong Province Environmental Technology Progress Award, the National VOCs Monitoring and Management Innovation Achievement Outstanding Personality, and the Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Society of Environmental Science, etc. 

Title: Study on collaborative control of indoor multiple pollutants