Kewei Liu
Kewei Liu



Kewei Liu 

He has been engaged in the epitaxial growth of wide band gap semiconductors and optoelectronic devices for a long time. A new method and mechanism for regulating the generation, separation and transport of photogenerated carriers by using micro interface local barrier and micro nano metal filter structure are proposed, and a practical wide band gap oxide semiconductor UV detector with high sensitivity, high signal-to-noise ratio and high response speed is developed. More than 70 SCI papers have been published in ACS Nano, adv. funct. Mater., mater. Today, small, ACS appl. Mater. Inter., appl. Phys. Lett. And cited by chem. SOC. Rev., mater. Today and other international authoritative magazines. He has been cited nearly 3000 times by SCI and authorized 3 Japanese patents and 11 Chinese invention patents, It won one first prize of scientific and technological progress of Jilin Province in 2012 and one first prize of natural science of Jilin Province in 2019. Presided over more than 10 projects, including the "high-level talent plan" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 973 projects, general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the middle-aged and young science and technology leading talent project of Jilin Province. 

Title: Research, preparation and application of solar blind ultraviolet photodetector