Xiaoxiao Han
Xiaoxiao Han



Xiaoxiao Han 

Professor, School of Mechanical and Transport Engineering, Hunan University, Doctoral Mentor, Overseas High-Level Talent Introduction Project, Huxiang High-Level Talent Gathering Project, Yuelu Scholars of Hunan University. She has been in the UK for 13 years and was a permanent lecturer and director at Loughborough University in 2016 and a member of the British Higher Education Association. The main research areas are biodegradable materials, biocomposites, personalized slow-release drugs digital design and advanced manufacturing. More than 40 representative papers have been published in journals such as Biomaterials, Acta Biomaterials, Biofabrication, Additive Manufacturing, and have served as editorial board members and guest editors of several SCI magazines. She has presided over and participated in EPSRC, EU FP7, Horizon 2020 projects, and currently presides over the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Department key research and development projects. 

Title: The digital design and advanced manufacturing of precision biological medical devices