Shaohua Luo
Shaohua Luo



Shaohua Luo 

Research interests include the dynamics analysis of special electromechanical systems and network, analog circuit design and intelligent control, adaptive and optimal controls, application of artificial intelligence technology in electromechanical systems. In recent years, He has presided over several research projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China, and participated in several research programs such as the National 863 Program and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, e.g., key projects, general projects and international (regional) cooperation and exchange projects. Some theoretical and application achievements have been made in key science and technology such as intelligent manufacturing, autonomous intelligent system, high-performance electromechanical drive system and equipment. He has published 40 research papers in authoritative academic journals at home and abroad, acquired 14 authorized invention patents including two British invention patents, did the transformation of one invention patent, and served as the director of innovation research group of provincial universities and key projects of ESI potential discipline promotion plan of Guizhou University. Meanwhile He has won the second prize of Excellence Fund, the distinguished expert of enterprise innovation title in Jiangsu Province and the title of excellent postdoctoral. Relevant research results have been positively cited by well-known experts in this field, including Academician Bin Ning of the Beijing Jiaotong University, Prof. Zhongliang Jing (Changjiang Scholar) of the Shanghai Jiaotong University and Prof. Donald C. Wunsch (IEEE Fellow) of Missouri University of Science and Technology in USA. The correspding results were evaluated as “Inspiring”, “Encouraging” and “Important results” and so forth. In addition, He has more than 4 years of engineering experience in state-owned enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises. 

Title: Dynamic analysis and intelligent control of special electromechanical systems and network