Xinyong Dong
Xinyong Dong



Xinyong Dong 

Born in 1975 in Juxian, Shandong Province and graduated from Nankai University with a PhD in 2002. He did his postdoctoral research at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Hong Kong Polytechnic University first and last. Since 2008, he has been working at China University of Metrology, where he has been appointed as a special professor of "Qianjiang Scholar" and selected as the first level of 151 talents in Zhejiang Province and the first level of Jieqing in Zhejiang Province; since 2019, he has been appointed as a special professor of "100 people plan" in Guangdong University of Technology. "He is a special professor of Guangdong University of Technology. He has long been engaged in research in the field of fiber optic communication and sensing, presided over and completed many national and provincial scientific research projects, published more than 240 SCI papers with more than 5,500 citations and H-factor 42, delivered more than 20 invited reports, and authorized more than 20 invention patents. He is actively involved in organizing international academic conferences, serving as co-chair of ICOCN2019 and ACP2018 conferences, chair of ICOCN2016 & 2017 technical committee, etc. 

Title: Magnetic field sensors based on optical fibers incorporating with magnetic fluid