Xiaohui Zou
Xiaohui Zou



Xiaohui Zou 

Director of the Sino-American Searle Research Center, his first major is communication (vocational and technical schools);the second major is English (self-examination diploma of 

Guizhou University);and the third major is law (There are two paragraphs: the previous radio diploma, the latter Jilin University Law School;The fourth major is Chinese (Beijing University also has two paragraphs: the former teacher from Tongqiang Xu did the "Zi-based and Chinese information processing basis", namely "Introduction to the smart for man-computer", the latter learned from Professor Hongjun Wang as a domestic visiting scholar);The fifth major is the Philosophy of Mind (Professor Saerle's aim is to understand the relationship between the Chinese room thesis and the Turing test and to make an English Ph.D. dissertation in "formal Chinese characters"). His research areas including science of language, information and intelligence. According to his own practice and theory of Smart System Studied (Chinese means: Rongzhixue), he found that natural language understanding, expert knowledge expression and software pattern recognition are the super difficult problems of artificial intelligence from three aspects, namely: how to eliminate each kind of ambiguities.  

1994-1996, Zhuhai City Technology Market Management Office (Market Planning Department), Zhuhai Special Economic Zone Keyuan Enterprise Technology Achievement Trading Center, Guangdong Enterprise Evaluation Center, and Yueke Intangible Assets Evaluation Center (Yueke Intangible Assets Evaluation Office), Guangdong Province Deputy Secretary-General of the System Engineering Society, focusing on Intellectual Integration and Intellectual Property Strategy of Chinese Enterprises; 1997-2006, at the Zhuhai Branch of School of International Exchange in Jilin University (Graduate in International Law) and Tsinghua Science Park (Zhuhai) Cultural Genetic Engineering Institute (under preparation) As an adjunct professor, focusing on Smart System; 2007-2012, Zhuhai City Vocational and Technical College, Peking University, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), University of California, Berkeley (to Harvard University, MIT and Stanford University respectively) to do academic research and Exchange, concentrate on the standardized expression of research results of Smart System. From 2010 to 2019, he went to universities such as Vienna, Gothenburg, Vichy, London, Oxford and Cambridge for academic research and exchanges. Among them, he has served as the chairman of Zhuhai Hengqin Searle Technology Co., Ltd. since 2014. Since 2017, he has served as assistant to the director of the Education Informatization Committee of the International Institute of Information Science, and deputy director of the Artificial Intelligence Committee. And invited to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other places namely Greater Bay Area. The universities and research institutes of China will communicate accordingly. At present, it focuses on intelligent technical services for human-computer interaction, collaboration, and Synergetics. It uses the theory of Smart System to guide the construction of smart urban and rural areas, uses the theory of Smart System to resolve financial risks, and focuses on the cultivation of professionals in Smart System. 

Title: How to steadily improve the teaching quality with human-computer collaboration?