Yang Yang
Yang Yang



Yang Yang  

Professor Yang is the leader of the national standardization working group of engineering structure monitoring, and vice Chairman of IEEE PES Smart Building, Building Electrical and Intelligent Subcommittee of Loads & Customer Systems Satellite Committee - China. 

Yang is the designer and editor in chief of Technical code for monitoring of building and bridge structures (GB50982-2014). He also presided over the compilation of Construction and Bridge Monitoring Implementation and Acceptance Standard in Sichuan Province DBJ51/T144-2020, Qinghai Province Building Structure Monitoring Technical Code DB63/T1756-2019 and other provincial technical standards. He also wrote an English book Technical Code for Monitoring of Building Structures. Yang is one of the participants who designed Chongqing local standards, namely Evaluation Standard for Safety Impact of Engineering Construction on Existing Buildings (Structures) DBJ50/T-342-2019. He is also members of IEC/SEG9 domestic expert group and takes the lead in the international group of the IEC/SEG9 domestic expert group.

Yang is a member of the editorial board of the international journal Frontiers in Built Environment and a guest editor-in-chief of the special issue of Symmetry. He has presided three projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, one project from the National Key R&D Program of China, two technology projects from Chongqing Science and Technology Bureau, one technology project from Chongqing Transportation Bureau, one project from Chongqing Fuling District Science and Technology Committee, three Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. He has received one first prize (ranked 1st) and two second prizes (ranked 1st) from the first-level industry societies/associations that have the ability to declare national science and technology awards. He has published more than 30 articles in SCI and EI journals. He has obtained 7 software copyrights and has applied for 16 national invention patents, which 7 of them have been granted. Yang had also edited one textbook, and one monograph from Science Press.

Title: Construction and Thinking of National Standard System for Engineering Structure Monitoring