Wei Wei
Wei Wei



Wei Wei 

Associate Professor, IEEE Senior Member, CCF Senior Member, CCF Big Data Committee, Internet of Things Committee, etc., H-index coefficient is 40+, google citations over 5625+. In 2011, he received a major in computer software and theory from Xi’an Jiaotong University Doctor of Engineering, completed a one-year visiting study at the University of Nebraska in 2009, completed post-doctoral research in electrical engineering at Xi’an University of Technology in 2015; visited the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas in 2017 and completed post-doctoral research. Has been engaged in research on the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, big data processing and other related aspects. Currently, he has published more than 80 research papers+, presided over the completion of 3 provincial and ministerial funds, and won 5 provincial and municipal science and technology

progress awards as a backbone, and participated as a backbone Completed 6 national fund projects. In 2019 and 2020, he won the second prize of scientific and technological progress in Shaanxi universities, and the first author published more than 20 high-level papers in SCI journals. 

Title: Gradient-driven parking navigation using a continuous information potential field based on wireless sensor network